Sunday, September 4, 2016

Ahmad: On Reading

      When i was little my mom would read us Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the bed my brothers and I would sing five little monkeys jumping on the bed one fell off and bumped his head… my favorite part was when the mother jumped on the bed after she told everyone not to.
      My earliest literacy memory is Dr. Seuss. My mom kept reading One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish until she got it in my head. That was one of my favorite book ever until i started  reading. I was reading 5 little monkeys and more Dr. Seuss. I started reading when I was 5.

  My greatest struggle in reading is reading. I am not a good reader and I don't like reading. When  was little it might of thought it was fun but now i hate reading. For me it's boring and a waste of time.sometimes I like reading because it is a good book and sometimes I pick the wrong book.

  The best book I read in fifth grade is The Chocolate Touch. I liked it because I LOVE chocolate and because everything he touches turns into chocolate.  

  My goal is to read Lightning Thief because I heard it was good and I want to achieve my goal.