Reading has never been a huge part of my life. Despite this, my favorite book when I was young was Green Eggs and Ham. I have always been interested in trying exotic or strange foods. This book was a terrific example of trying exotic foods because eating green eggs and ham is insane. One of my earliest literacy memories was in 2nd grade. My class was writing our first three paragraph essay about a vacation we had in the past. I was so excited to write about my vacation to Wisconsin. I have many memories about literacy but not all are good. I have always struggled to find a good book. I also struggle to read for a long time. So, I would like to improve my stamina while reading and improve my ability to find a book that interests me. I have many books that I like but there is only one that is my favorite. The book series I like most is Matt Christopher books. This is because I love sports and I am athletic. There are many genres I am interested in but my favorites that I hope we read in sixth grade are mystery or action-packed books.
I eat more than a bear.