Sunday, January 25, 2015

All About Me

I am a mother, teacher, and avid reader. I have been passionate about reading since I was a child. Some of my favorite spots are the library, the bookstore, and anywhere a little quiet to get caught up in a great story. 

I have been reading blogs for some time now and had an interesting conversation with one of my students. He wanted to know if I blogged, since I like them so much. I didn't really have a great answer: I just don't have time, I need to do a million things, I have laundry to catch up on.....this list goes on and on but none of my reasons were truly valid. So here is my first blog. I hope it evolves into something spectacular. But I really hope I have more readers than my great friend JM, who is also blogging with his students. I just like winning. (and laughing-I like laughing an awful lot too.)

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